
Oracle Agent 10g and multiple Oracle Inventories

Find Oracle documentation (b16242) at there
exactly at here

There, we find "14.2 Enabling Multi-Inventory Support for Configuration Management"
Every time you install an Oracle software product on a host computer, Oracle Universal Installer saves information about the software installation on your hard disk. The directories and files that contain this software configuration information are referred to as the Oracle Universal Installer inventory.

When you use Enterprise Manager to monitor your Oracle software installations, Enterprise Manager takes advantage of information saved in the Universal Installer inventory.
As it gathers information about the configuration of your host computer, by default, Enterprise Manager assumes that you have one Oracle Universal Installer inventory on the host. Specifically, Enterprise Manager recognizes the inventory that Oracle Universal Installer uses when you run the Universal Installer on the host.
However, in some cases, you may have more than one inventory. For example, you may have worked with Oracle Support to clone your Oracle software installations. For those cases, you can use the following procedure to be sure that Enterprise Manager can track and manage the software information in multiple inventories on the same host.

Enabling support for multiple inventories is optional and available only for advanced users who are familiar with the Oracle Universal Installer inventory architecture and who have previously worked with multiple inventories on a managed host. This procedure is not required for hosts where normal installations have been performed.

To set up Enterprise Manager so it can read multiple inventories on a host:

  1. Locate the OUIinventories.add file in the following directory $ORACLE_HOME/_/sysman/config
    The Management Agent state listed in this example represents an installation for Database Control. For more information about the Management Agent state to use for other installations, see Section 14.2.1, "AGENT_HOME Versus AGENT_STATE Directories" .
  2. Open OUIinventories.add using a text editor.
    Instructions within the file describe the format to use when identifying multiple inventories, as well other techniques for mapping Oracle Homes.
  3. Carefully review the instructions within the file.
  4. Add entries to the file for each additional inventory on the managed host.
  5. Save your changes and close the file.

During its next collection of host configuration information, Enterprise Manager will start gathering software configuration information from the inventories that you identified in the OUIinventories.add file, in addition to the default inventory that Enterprise Manager normally collects.
Alternatively, to see the data gathered from the additional inventories before the next regularly-scheduled collection, navigate to the Host home page in the Grid Control Console, click the Configuration tab, and click the Refresh Data icon next to the page timestamp.

If there any irrecoverable problems during the collection of the default inventory (for example, if the inventory file or directory protections prevent Enterprise Manager from reading the inventory), inventories listed in OUIinventories.add file are also not collected.

If the Enterprise Manager is able to read the default inventory, but there is a problem reading an additional inventory listed in the OUIinventories.add file, Enterprise Manager issues a collection warning for those inventories. However, Enterprise Manager does collect the configuration information for the other inventories.

Before the script :

  1. note on the "(for example, if the inventory file or directory protections prevent Enterprise Manager from reading the inventory)"
    Be carrefull of this... The IAS guys that have installed some of our ias instances, have installed them with specific users/groups... and my user (part of the dba group) hasn't the rigths to read the ias files... and then my agent discovers nothing... :-(
  2. $HOME/OUIinventories.add.orig is the original copy of $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/config/OUIinventories.add
    Just to begin with a "clean" file each time we regenerate.... Even if original the file contains only comments... ;-)
  3. iagt10g@uxhades2da > cat $HOME/oraInventories.txt

    iagt10g@uxhades1da > cat $HOME/oraInventories.txt

# Christian Clemmen - 2005/07 - v1.0 - creation
# info@infor-conseils.be

cp $HOME/OUIinventories.add.orig $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/config/OUIinventories.add

for inv in `cat $HOME/oraInventories.txt`
loc=$HOME/oraInst.`echo $inv | cut -d/ -f6`.loc
echo "inventory_loc=$inv" > $loc
echo "inst_group=dba" >> $loc
echo "inventory: $loc" >> $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/config/OUIinventories.add

In the $HOME, we have now:
-rw-r--r-- 1 iagt10g dba 68 May 23 08:16 oraInst.oraacc10g.loc
-rw-r--r-- 1 iagt10g dba 66 May 23 08:16 oraInst.iagtdev.loc
-rw-r--r-- 1 iagt10g dba 66 May 23 08:16 oraInst.iagtadm.loc
-rw-r--r-- 1 iagt10g dba 66 May 23 08:16 oraInst.iagtacc.loc
-rw-r--r-- 1 iagt10g dba 66 May 23 08:16 oraInst.iagt10g.loc
-rw-r--r-- 1 iagt10g dba 67 May 23 08:16 oraInst.oratst8i.loc
-rw-r--r-- 1 iagt10g dba 67 May 23 08:16 oraInst.oraedu9i.loc
-rw-r--r-- 1 iagt10g dba 67 May 23 08:16 oraInst.oraedu8i.loc
-rw-r--r-- 1 iagt10g dba 67 May 23 08:16 oraInst.oradev9i.loc
-rw-r--r-- 1 iagt10g dba 67 May 23 08:16 oraInst.oradev8i.loc
-rw-r--r-- 1 iagt10g dba 68 May 23 08:16 oraInst.oradev10g.loc
-rw-r--r-- 1 iagt10g dba 67 May 23 08:16 oraInst.oraadm9i.loc
-rw-r--r-- 1 iagt10g dba 67 May 23 08:16 oraInst.oraadm8i.loc
-rw-r--r-- 1 iagt10g dba 68 May 23 08:16 oraInst.oraadm10g.loc
-rw-r--r-- 1 iagt10g dba 67 May 23 08:16 oraInst.oraacc9i.loc
-rw-r--r-- 1 iagt10g dba 67 May 23 08:16 oraInst.oraacc8i.loc

Each of them contains something like :
iagt10g@uxhades1da > cat oraInst.oraacc8i.loc

Content of $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/config/OUIinventories.add after script:
inventory: /home/iagt10g/oraInst.iagt10g.loc
inventory: /home/iagt10g/oraInst.iagtacc.loc
inventory: /home/iagt10g/oraInst.iagtadm.loc
inventory: /home/iagt10g/oraInst.iagtdev.loc
inventory: /home/iagt10g/oraInst.oraacc10g.loc
inventory: /home/iagt10g/oraInst.oraacc8i.loc
inventory: /home/iagt10g/oraInst.oraacc9i.loc
inventory: /home/iagt10g/oraInst.oraadm10g.loc
inventory: /home/iagt10g/oraInst.oraadm8i.loc
inventory: /home/iagt10g/oraInst.oraadm9i.loc
inventory: /home/iagt10g/oraInst.oradev10g.loc
inventory: /home/iagt10g/oraInst.oradev8i.loc
inventory: /home/iagt10g/oraInst.oradev9i.loc
inventory: /home/iagt10g/oraInst.oraedu8i.loc
inventory: /home/iagt10g/oraInst.oraedu9i.loc
inventory: /home/iagt10g/oraInst.oratst8i.loc

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